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AIS Student

Aloha International School has a unique curriculum. 
It is based on American culture that brings out children's “fun” to the fullest, nurtures their own challenge and exploration, and our goal is to nurture children who can become a unique, strong and confident individual.



Cultural exchange

Our school, which has a partnership with Hawaii, invites guests from Hawaii and actively engages into a cultural exchange. Around June, there is a graduation trip to Hawaii, where you can interact with local children and experience the Hawaiian culture to the fullest through various programs. Our students will be taught in an open environment to foster rich expressiveness as an international student. Where they can adapt easily as part of any local in any English-speaking country.

ハワイとの連携を持つ当スクールでは、さまざまなイベントなどを通し文化交流を積極的に行っていきます。6月にはハワイ卒業旅行があり、ロコの子供たちと触れ合い・お子様が実際に肌でハワイの文化を感じられるプログラムに参加します。親御さんは目の前でわが子の英語力を感じて頂ける事もAloha International Schoolの魅力の一つです。どの生徒も国際人として豊かな表現力を育めるよう徹底した環境下で指導を行っています。

Aloha International School



Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten / After School Program

JET / 英検

© Copyright 2019 Aloha International School

Contact Us

Tel: 1st  043-290-9944 / 2nd  043-379-3777


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幼稚園部- Kindergarten

4-23-1 Oyuminochuo, Midori-ku

Chiba-shi, Chiba 266-0032


小学生部 - After School Program

4-23-2 Oyuminochuo, Midori-ku

Chiba-shi, Chiba 266-0032


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